Mads Tunebjerg : Bass
Asger Techau : Drums
Henrik Lindstrand : Keyboards/Guitar
Zitilites (2003)
I miss you so much boy
will we be coming on again
don't ever loose your ropes
this man is hanging by the ends
I owe you so much time
yes you might say it isn't like that at all
but now it's coming back to you
these open moments that I blew
rocket brothers crack and burst
if they can't meet upon the verge
of breaking into seperate parts
that was not written in our cards
now you got someone to protect
someone you cannot reject
I miss you so much boy
but I was buried in the mines
I found it hard to stop
you found me very hard to find
but now that you've made way
I'd better tie together these ropes again
and throw the times right back to you
and all the chances that I blew
rocket brothers crack and burst
if they can't meet upon the verge
of breaking into seperate parts
that was not written in our cards
those rocket brothers on the verge
we should be careful' cause it could burst
and we're not lonely anymore
lonely as we were before
and now there is someone to protect
someone you cannot reject
something I will not neglect
1991년 덴마크에서 결성된 밴드.
덴마크, Frederiksberg 에 있는 기숙학교인 Kastanievejens Efterskole 에서 Eistrup, Tunebjerg와 Techau는 'Nirvana' 란 이름으로 헤비 블루스밴드를 결성했다.
미국 밴드 'Nirvana'가 인기를 얻어갈 즈음에 'Led Zeppelin'의 "Kashmir" 곡에서 밴드명을 빌려왔다.
1993년에 DM i Rock 에서 2위를 차지하고, 점차적으로 자국내에서 인기를 모아갔다.
Danish Music Awards 2000에서 'Best Danish Band', 'Best Danish Album' - The Good Life, 'Best Danish Songwriter', 'Best Danish Rock Album' - The Good Life, 'Best Danish Producer', 'Best Danish Music Video'- "Morn In Love","Daddy In Space" 로 6개의 상을 받았다.
2001년도엔 Lindstrand가 합류했다.
2004년도 Danish Music Awards 에선 'Best Danish Band', 'Best Danish Rock Album',- Zitilites , 'Best Danish Music Video'- "Rocket Brothers", 'Best Album Cover'- Zitilites 를 받았다.
"Rocket Brothers" M/V
"Rocket Brothers" Live @ Boogie 2003-03-26