Seth Gilbert - Lead Vocals/Guitar (1999-2005)
Jeffrey Gilbert - Drums (1999-2005) 현재
Kutless 에서 활동.
Dave Leutkenhoelter - Bass (2004-2005) 현재
Kutless 에서 활동.
Tony Pallotta - Guitar (2004-2005)
Tyler Jones - Guitar/Vocals/Keys (1999-2004)
Donnie Vizzini - Bass (1999-2004)
Hear Us Say Jesus (2004)
This week, I prayed, one time
My phone, it rang, I put You on the other line
And now my thoughts they drift around
My knees remain unacquainted with the ground
Unless my faith is put to the test and I am forced to bow
Although I'm in this flesh it doesn't mean You shouldn't have the best
from me, from me
Even when my eyes are dry
even when my soul is tired
even when my hands are heavy, I will lift them up to Yu
It's not about how I feel, oh Lord I am here for You
I exist for you
I close my eyes but all I see
Is a background of black, bouncy squiggly lines
And this week's mistakes coming back to mind but
I will lift my voice and make a joyful sound
Forget about me, I only get me down
Although I cannot see it doesn't mean I shouldn't sing to You, to You
You've given me Your life and have held mine together yet I find
Excuses to slouch in my pew
But when glory divine
Is sitting in my very presence, the least that I can do
Is give my all to You, give my all to You
미국 Medford, Oregon 에서 1999년에 결성되어 2005년에 해체된 크리스찬 락밴드.
밴드명은 예수 그리스도가 우리의 죄로부터 우리를 구하기위해 피를 흘렸던 일곱군데 상처를 뜻한다.
"Hear Us Say Jesus" (2004) 앨범 발표후 해체되었는데, 해체하기 전에 작업한
"Glowing" 앨범을 2007년에 발매하였다.