Matt Joynt – Vocals/Guitar/Auxiliary Percussion/Piano
Bret Wallin – Trombone/Auxiliary Percussion/Vocals
Danny Bracken – Guitar/Auxiliary Percussion/Vocals
Seth Walker – Bass/Vocals
Jeremiah Johnson – Drums/Percussion/Vocals
Erica Froman – Vocals/Auxiliary Percussion/Autoharp
Jamie Macleod – Piano/Trumpet/Auxiliary Percussion/Vocals

Floating World (2006)

Yesterday, the land went dry.
I sprinkled ash of my neighbor's urn
Over the yard.

Sprinkled in the hope
That should I cut out

A pie wedge,
I would find gold.
Buried in the ground
Between the grass and growth.

Instead, the earth skin cracking
And a great wind, more ash,
Slivers of the ground burning in the eyes
Of ones, who, standing there...

Long ago, when it all began
The dog would dig the ground
And whisper, "Master, come to the garden.
By your hand to the spade, cut away behind your house.

Cut away for coins. Cut away to the buried..."

미국 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 에서 2000년에 결성된 밴드.
밴드명인 Anathallo 는 그리스어에서 파생된 단어로 “to renew, refresh or bloom again.” 란 뜻을 갖고 있다.
일본 설화를 기초로 작사하였다.

"Hanasakajijii (Four: A Great Wind, More Ash)" Live credit to