Dan Cole : Lead Singer/Guitar/Piano
Ben O'Rear :  Lead Guiter/Background Vocals
Tom Gustafson : Bass Guitar
Nathan Lee : Drums

The Need To Fell Alive (2005)

It's how your love always changes me.
I see that time after time,
You�ve carried me on your wings.

When I close my eyes, I see you staring back at mine.

You've never looked so beautiful, never looked so beautiful.
Now, I wanna mean something more to you.
So I will hold on, you've got to hold on.
Now, I wanna mean something more to you.
So I will hold on, you've got to hold on.

I'll stand still, now - I'm dying to hear your voice.
How the weight of your words is clarity through the noise.
If I could spend more time looking through this heart of mine
I'd finally be next to you, I'd finally be next to you.

Now, I wanna mean something more to you.
So I will hold on, you've got to hold on.

And I feel this way tonight.
I wanna make it right.
I wanna mean something...
And I feel this way tonight.
I wanna make it right.
I've never needed you, more than I need you now.

"Something More" Live from Harvest Assembly, November 15, 2005


Diary 2009. 3. 30. 21:52
내겐 참 운명같은 개였는데.. 군대갔다오니 사라졌다..

쁘띠 새끼들
새끼들. 이러니까 이상하네.

응? 맛있어?

입사 3 년만에 반드시 해야 할 77가지

1. 승부는 입사 3년만에 결정된다. '나는 대기만성형' 이라는 안일한 생각을 버려라

2. 엄하게 조언해주는 사람과 가까이 지내라

3. 처음에는 고양이의 손이 되는 것도 마다하지 말라

4. 자신의 목적의식은 상사가 부여하는 것이 아니다, 스스로 찾아라

5. 자신의 직업적 목표를 발견하라

6. 일에 관한 한 잡식성이 되어라

7. 질책을 들으면 감사하는 마음을 가져라

8. 책상을 부숴버리고 싶은 상황을 경험하라

9. 혼자만의 시간을 가져라

10. 지옥에서도 얻을 것이 있음을 명심하라

11. 지금 하고 있는 일을 특기로 만들어라

12. 상사를 열심히 활용하라

13. 맡은 일에 한시라도 빨리 익숙해져라

14. '머리가 굳은 상사=나를 단련시키는 채찍' 이라는 등식을 암기하라

15. 상사는 개와 같다. 도망치기 보다는 뛰어들어라

16. 수위아저씨의 이름을 기억해두어라

17. 9번타자에게도 타순은 돌아온다. 기다려라

18. 항상 두 직급 위의 업무를 할 수 있도록 준비하라

19. 말을 걸면 어떤 일이든 바로 일어서라

20. 작은 기회라도 절대 놓치지 말라

21. 실패의 대표작을 만들어라

22. 양동이에 물을 채우듯, 일단 일을 닥치는 대로 많이 하라

23. 공격이 최선의 방어, 상사의 설교는 충분한 보고로 물리쳐라

24. 필요하다면 체면 따지지 말고 도움을 요청하라

25. 다루기 어렵고 싫은 상대일수록 다정하게 인사하라

26. 나를 지켜보는 몰래카메라가 있다고 생각하라

27. 시시하게 보이는 업무에서 진정한 기쁨을 맛보아라

28. 공은 없고 흉만 돌아오는 간사직도 기꺼이 맡아라

29. 상사에게 지나친 기대를 품지 말라

30. 가능성이 없으면 야단도 치지 않는다. 상사의 꾸지람을 환영하라

31. 의식에 관한 한 매순간 진화하라

32. 돈을 벌기에 앞서 돈 버는 방법을 배워라

33. 다음에도 자신에게 일이 맡겨지도록 일하라

34. 상대방에게 돈 이외에 어떤 도움을 줄 수 있는가를 생각하라

35. 몇 문제를 풀었는가는 중요치 않다. 한 문제라도 끝까지 고민하라

36. 거래처의 가장 젊은 사람과 친하게 지내라

37. 회사 안팎에 자신의 스승을 두어라

38. 항상 보다 높은 수준으로 올라가려는 마음가짐을 가져라

39. 회사 안의 우수한 인재를 회사 밖에서 만나라

40. 주변의 시기하는 목소리를 마음에 두지말라

41. 샐러리맨에겐 회사라는 브랜드가 붙어있음을 기억하라

42. 업무일기를 작성하라

43. 상사를 위해서가 아니라 자신을 위해서 보고서를 써라

44. 먼저 신분을 밝히며 인사를 건네라

45. 잡무에도 프로가 되어라

46. 명함은 총이다. 상대방보다 먼저 내밀어라

47. 복사 담당이 되어 자신을 위해 한 부 더 복사해 두어라

48. 담당업무에 관한 한 최고가 되어라

49. 퇴근 후엔 회사를 입에 올리지 말라

50. 자신의 신용을 쌓기 위해 일하라

51. 처음 거래하는 사람과는 사력을 다해 협력하라

52. 싸움에서 이기는 방법보다 능숙하게 지는 방법을 배워라

53. 입사 동기가 어디에서 무엇을 하고 있는지를 항상 파악해두어라

54. 상사에게는 대접받고 후배에게는 배풀어라

55. 입사 후 3년 동안 함께 지낸 사람을 평생지기로 만들어라

56. 회사 대 회사가 아니라 개인 대 개인으로 일하라

57. 실수는 누구나 한다. 그러나 같은 실수를 반복하지 말라

58. 시행착오로부터 더 많은 것을 배워라

59. 손님은 손님으로서 프로, 그만의 노하우를 배워라

60. 가르치는 것도 일종의 공부, 후배를 가르쳐라

61. 상사의 기술을 훔쳐라

62. 급료보다 노하우를 더 챙겨라

63. 뭔가를 배우기로 했다면 하루라도 먼저 시작하라

64. 후배를 위해 시간과 정열을 아끼지 말라

65. 상사에게 공을 돌려라

66. 당장은 돌아오는게 없어도 최선을 다하라

67. 문제가 심각해보여도 심각한 것처럼 보고하지 말라

68. 상사의 가방을 들어주기보다 먼저 나가 택시를 잡아라

69. 메모를 전달하면서 이야기의 핵심을 끊지 말라

70. 창피를 많이 당하는 것보다 창피를 당하지 않는 것을 겁내라

71. 일의 완수보다 흐름을 먼저 생각하여라

72. 마지막까지 책임을 지는 자세를 보여라

73. 클레임은 일종의 커뮤니케이션, 불만과 혼동하지 말라

74. 아무리 사소한 일이라도 자기개발로 연결시켜라

75. 만사가 수포로 돌아가는 최악의 상황까지 한번 가보라

76. 결과에 대해 조급증을 내지 말라

77. 멋진 직소퍼즐의 완성을 위해 지금 이 순간에 성실하라


잃지않는 재테크

Entertain 2009. 3. 28. 14:31
손기혁홈으로 | (주) L&F 행복재무설계회사 이사 프로필메일

제 글을 통해 많은 분들이 스스로 '나만의 재테크 가치관'을

만들어 내셨으면 합니다.


많은 사람들이 제게 묻습니다.  


“재테크를 잘하고 싶은데 어떤 방법이 좋을까요?” 


재테크를 잘하고 싶다… 지지부진한 재테크의 뜻을 파헤치기 보다 단도직입적으로 “난 돈 관리를 잘하고 싶다”는 것이 아마 정확한 질문의 요지가 아닐까 합니다.


10여 년 전 퇴직하신 분들이 그 퇴직금 은행에 넣어두고 그 이자로 살아갈 수 있었던 시절이 있었습니다. 요새는 말도 안 되는 이야기지요. 종종 그 퇴직금을 까먹거나 혹시 퇴직금을 재투자해서 다른 수익을 창출해 내어야만 합니다.


그만큼 현재 우리나라는 [마이너스 금리]로의 길을 걷고 있습니다. 은행에 돈을 넣어두면 이자를 준다는 이미지에서, 은행은 단지 금고. 각종 뱅킹 기능을 활용할 수 있는 수단 좋은 금고의 이미지로, 다시 최종적으로 “돈을 맡아 주므로 그에 대한 사용료를 지불해야 하는” 유료금고화로 되어가고 있는 추세이지요. - 일본 같은 경우는 이미 제로금리가 시행된지 한참 되었습니다 -


많은 사람들이 제게 묻습니다.


“재테크를 잘하고 싶은데 어떤 방법이 좋을까요?”


거꾸로 제가 묻습니다.


“재테크를 잘 하려는 목적이 무언가요?”


“부자가 되고 싶어서요. 그 시작이라 생각합니다.”


“그냥 생각 없이 사는 게 아니라 재테크 자체에도 의미를 부여하고 싶어서요. 보람 있잖아요. ”


20대의 사람들에게.


부자가 되는 가장 쉬운 길은 “부자가 될 수 있는 능력을 갖추는 것” 이 가장 빠릅니다.


돈이 어떻게 쌓이건 주체할 수 없을 정도로 많은 돈을 벌 수 있으면 그만입니다. 부자는 성품이 어떻고, 무얼 미리 생각하고, 작은 것도 놓치지 않고… 생각해 보면 전부 부자를 미화하는 이야기일 뿐입니다.


부자는 돈을 주체할 수 없을 만큼 빠르게 벌 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있었고, 그 기회를 잡을 시야가 있었으며, 그 기회 때 그만큼의 노력을 다 했을 뿐입니다.


전체를 비하하고자 하는 의도는 아니지만, 의사들만큼 경제에 문외한을 본적이 없으며, 변호사들만큼 인생을 막사는 사람들을 보지 못했습니다. 하지만, 그들 대부분은 역시나 부자입니다. 펀드매니져가 법을 모르고 스스로 약을 조제할 수 없는것과 같다고 생각합니다.


이제 갓 20대 초반의 분들이 재테크니 CMA니 펀드니 이러쿵 저러쿵 많은 고민을 하는 것을 보면서 참 많이 놀랐습니다. 나름 상당히 칭찬할만한 일이지만, 소년소녀가장이 아닌 이상, 그래도 지금은 “나를 다듬고”, “나를 만들어가는” 과정이 훨씬 더 중요할 시기입니다.


단언하건데, 재테크를 잘해서 부자가 될 가능성은 거의 없습니다. 재테크를 열심히 하였다고, 그만큼의 성과를 내었다고 “이제부터 당신은 부자” 라고 인정해 주지도 않습니다.


하지만, 이제 재테크를 못하면 거지가 될 수 있습니다. 이걸 아셔야 합니다. 부자는 절대 될 수 없지만, 안 하게 되면, 못하게 되면 거지가 될 수 있는 세상입니다.


보통 목돈이 아닌 월 적립식의 투자를 통해 년 15%정도의 수익률을 매년 기록할 수 있다면 재테크의 고수라 불릴 것입니다. 하지만 1억에서 1500만원이 더 생겼다 하여 부자가 될 순 없습니다. 그러한 일을 10년을 반복한다 한들 마찬가지입니다.


년 50%의 수익, 년 200%의 수익을 내면 부자에 가까워집니다. 하지만 이 정도의 수익률을 낼 수 있는 것들을 보통 우리는 재테크라 부르진 않습니다. 기술, 재능, 투기, 혹은 사기 이렇게 부르겠죠.


화폐란, 단위입니다. 돈이란 결국 어떤 가치에 대한 공통적인 척도일 뿐 이것이 가시적인 효력을 가지진 않습니다. 하지만 우리는 바로 이 돈에 묶여 살며 어쩔 줄을 모르죠.


연수익을 높이는 방법은 [잃지 않는 재테크]가 가장 좋습니다.


월 200만 원의 수입을 올리는 사람이 1년간 돈을 모으면 2400만 원이 됩니다. 이중, 필수 생활비로 100만 원을 쓰고서 남는 재테크의 원금은 1년에 1200만 원입니다.


1년에 열심히 재테크하여 년15%의 수익을 올렸을경우, 그 이자는 총 180만 원입니다.


100만 원에서 15%를 아껴서 지출을 줄이면, 쓰고서 남는 재테크의 원금은 1380만 원입니다.


다시 1년에 5%의 예금수익만을 올리게 되어도, 69만 원의 이자가 붙게 됩니다.


즉, 한달에 100만 원씩 모아서 열심히 15%수익을 올리며 1380만 원을 모으는 것과, 한달에 15%를 아끼고 재테크를 하지 않더라도 1449만 원의 자금을 모으는 것.


건물을 통해 임대수익을 추구하려 할 때에는, 그 위치적 주요성과 더불어 유지보수가 필요없는지 등의 여부가 매우 중요한 선택사항중의 하나입니다. 건물의 구조적 특성으로 많은 인건비가 소요되지는 않는지, 주변 환경적 요인으로 불필요한 의무지출등은 없는지 파악해야 하지요. 이러한 것들은 [잃지 않는 재테크]의 중요한 키포인트입니다.


주식에는 상한가와 하한가라는게 있습니다. 목적성을 띤 폭등이나 폭락을 막기위한 방편입니다만, 많은 사람들이 주식에서 실패하는 이유는 이러한 제도적 장치에서 비롯된 투자의 장기레이스에서 타이밍을 잃게 되는 경우가 가장 큰 이유중의 하나로 볼 수 있습니다. [잃지 않으려 하는 재테크]와 [그저 이기려고만 하는 재테크]와의 차이를 알아야 합니다.


은행에서는 연 4~5%의 이자를 줍니다. 적금을 들면 좀더 높은 이자를 고려할 수도 있을 것입니다. 여기에서도 잃는 것들이 있습니다. 바로 물가가치상승입니다.


세상의 모든 것들은 다 복리입니다. 오로지 은행만이 단리이지요. IMF이전 은행에서 연 20%의 금리이자를 주더라도 은행이 안망하고 모두가 부자되지 않던 이유가 그것입니다.


보험은 오로지 잃지 않기 위한 온전한 금융상품입니다. 돈이 돈을 만들어내는 수법이 아닌 옵션을 사회전반, 개인일상에 적용함으로서 도량화한 것입니다. 하지만 여기에 요새는 투자라는 의미가 더해져 골치가 아파지는 것이지요.

잃지 않는다는 것. 이것은 수많은 의미를 내포하고 있습니다.


하지만 수많은 의미의 이 [잃지 않는]것들은 매우 강력합니다. 그리고 어렵죠. 또한 귀찮습니다.



해결 방안.


잃지 않기 위해 무엇을 준비해야 할지 알아야 합니다.


대표적인 것은 절약입니다. 월 600을 벌어도 600을 버는 사람들의 수준의 삶을 맞추어 살아가면 달라질 것은 없습니다. 그저 현재의 삶은 윤택해질 것입니다.


200만 원짜리의 삶이 준비된 사람이 참고 참아서 50만 원짜리의 인생을 감내하다가 나중에 300만 원짜리 인생을 살아갈 수 있습니다. 이것이 재테크의 기본입니다.


기실 10%의 수입을 올리는 것보다는 10%의 절약을 하는 것이 몇 배 더 쉽습니다. 절약에는 어떤 리스크도 없습니다.


맞벌이를 하여 400을 버는데 이래저래 쓰고, 돈 관리도 따로 하고, 결국 월 100만원 저축한다고 하면 다른 것도 다 필요 없이 자기 자신부터 돌아보지 않으면 안됩니다. 물론 4천을 벌어서 다 쓰고 1천을 저축하는 것과는 다른 이야기이고, 40을 벌어 다 쓰고 10만 원을 남기는 숭고한 씀씀이와는 차원이 다른 이야기입니다.


다음으로는 지출에 대한 의미부여입니다. 강한 동기와 긍정적인 사고가 요구됩니다.


이제 갓 사회에 입문하여 120만 원의 월급으로 생활비 아끼고, 입을 거 먹을 거 다 아껴가며 30은 청약에, 30은 상호금고에, 30은 펀드로 굴린다고 박수 받을 만큼 잘하는 재테크 절대 아닙니다.


잃지 않기 위해서, 좋은 아내 좋은 남편이 되기 위해서 => 훌륭한 사람(?)이 되기 위해서, 30을 교양을 위해서 문화생활에 투자하고, 30을 식견을 위한 해외여행 비로, 30을 인맥형성을 위한 교제비로 투자하여도 훌륭한 재테크라 말할 수 있습니다. 문제는 어떻게 쓰느냐, 어떤 [마음가짐]으로 사느냐입니다.


아 빼먹은 것이 있군요.


가장 중요한 것입니다. 바로 잃는것을 인정하는 것입니다.


잃지 않기 위해 보험료를 버리는것. 일부의 잃음을 인정함으로서 더 많은 것을 얻는것. 이것을 우리는 기술(Skill)이라 부릅니다.


경매를 해서 보통 그 물건 그대로를 시세 회복후 되파는 사람은 1차적인 기술을 가진 사람입니다. 부족부분을 정확히 파악한후 그것때문에 싸게 매입한뒤 내 자본을 투자해서(버려서) 더 높은 가치를 창출해서 되파는것이 진정한 경매의 스킬입니다.


남들도 과외를 시키니 우리애도 어쩔수 없이 과외를 시킨다고 생각하면 그건 낭비입니다. 아이에게도 잃는것이 생깁니다. 우리가 버리는 시간, 버리는 돈의 가치, 그리고 그것을 버림으로서 얻게 되는 많은 새로운 것들. 그것을 부모도 알아야 하고 자녀도 이해할수 있어야 합니다.


마지막으로 기록의 현실화입니다.


잃지 않는 재테크를 위해 <가계부>나 <손익계산서>를 쓰시는 분들이 많을 것입니다.


실제로 수치의 기록만이 도움이 될까요? 네, 안 하는 것보다는 분명 도움이 될 것입니다.

하지만 10개월 전에 지출한 [자녀 교재비용 = 5만원]의 지출내역엔 지출 5만 원외엔 어떠한 기록도 존재하지 않습니다.


모든 지출은 곧 [투자]입니다. 이 투자가 올바르게 이루어지는 과정에는 위에 언급한 <동기>가 매우 소중한 근거로 남게 됩니다.


다소 번거롭지만 아이의 교재비용 5만 원을 어떻게 어찌하여 지출하게 되었는지, 그리고 그 투자로 인한 짧은 소망을 남겨보세요.


핸드폰 비용지출 5만 원을 통해서 나는 얼마나 많은 사람들과 교류하였고, 5만 원의 비용지출로 어떤 결과를 남겼는지 반성해 보다 보면 모든 지출은 윤택해지고 또한 탄력 있게 줄어들 것입니다.


또한 이것은, 재미있습니다. 그리고 사진만으로 남길 수 있는 과거의 추억이 아닌, 내 손으로 직접 작성한 또 하나의 일기가 될 것입니다.




천만 원을 가진 사람과 1억을 가진 사람, 그리고 10억을 가진 사람이 있습니다. 누구나 아래단계에서 윗 단계를 바라보며 부러워하고 동경할 것입니다.


허나 천만원의 삶과 10억이 크게 다르다고 생각진 않습니다. (100억의 삶은 다르겠지요)


재테크는 재미입니다. 그리고 삶의 일부분이자 희노애락의 한 요소입니다.


집앞 도로에서 위험하지만 가족끼리 줄넘기를 하는 것과, 월 30만 원짜리 헬스클럽에서 런닝머신을 달리더라도 다리 근육 늘어나고 숨이 가빠오고 즐거운 것은 똑같습니다.


하지만 30만 원짜리 헬스클럽에서 런닝하던 시절이 있었는데 이제는 집앞에서 줄넘기 해야 한다는 것을 [실패]라 부르는 사람들이 많습니다.


그러한 사람들은 마음을 [잃어버린] 사람들입니다. 그 사람들의 말대로 그 사람은 정말 큰 실패를 한 것입니다. 물론 지칭하는 [잃음]은 서로 다를 테지만요.


잃지 않는 모든 것. 오늘 우리는 무엇을 또 잃고 있진 않은지 돌아보는 하루가 되었으면 합니다.



출처: http://wealth.moneta.co.kr/strategy/livetalk/liveTalkDetail.jsp?s_kd_id=01&selField=1&fieldValue=&expertID=&content_cd=ST&colFlag=JT02&page=3&rgst_dt=20061226190635&expert_id=&appr_dt=20070102175545&kwd=


(L-R): Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois,
           Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)

Wake up kids
이것들아 얼른일어나
We've got the dreamers disease
우리는 꿈꾸는 병을앓고있지.
Age fourteen
나이는 14.
They got you down on your knees
그들은 너의 무릎을 꿇게했어
So polite
너무 얌전해.
You're busy still saying please
넌 아직도 "제발~" 이라고 하는데에 바쁘지.

Who when you're down ain't your friend
너가 힘들때 있는사람은 너의 친구가 아냐
Every night
We smash their mercedes-benz
우리는 너의 벤츠를 부시지
First we run
첫째 우린 튀지
And then we laugh 'til we cry
그리고 눈물날때까지 우린 웃지

But when the night is falling
하지만 밤이 다가올땐
And you cannot find the light
빛을 찾을수가 없어
If you feel your dream is dying
너의 꿈이 죽어간다고 느껴 질때면..

Hold tight
꽉 잡아

You've got the music in you
너는 너안에 음악을 가졌어

Don't let go
You've got the music in you
넌 너안에 음악을 가졌어

One dance left
한 춤이남았어.
This world is gonna pull through
이 세계는 이제 너에게 올거야

Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
넌 너가 살 이유가 있어

Can't forget
잊을수 없어
We only get what we give
우리는 우리가 주는것만을 받아.

Four a.m. we ran the miracle mile
새벽 4시 우리는 기적의 길을 걷지
We're flat broke
우리는 돈도 없어
But hey we do it in style
하지만, 우리는 스타일있게 밀고나가잖아
The bad rich
나쁜 부자들
God's flying in for your trial
하느님은 너를 재판하러 오시리라.

But when the night is falling
하지만 밤이 다가올땐
And you cannot find a friend
너의 친구를 찾지 못하지
You feel your tree is breaking
너의 나무가 부러진다고 느껴질땐
Just bend
그냥 굽어져
You've got the music in you
너는 너안에 음악을 가졌어

Don't let go
You've got the music in you
넌 너안에 음악을 가졌어

One dance left
한 춤이남았어.
This world is gonna pull through
이 세계는 이제 너에게 올거야

Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
넌 너가 살 이유가 있어
Can't forget
잊을수가 없어
We only get what we give
우리는 우리가 주는것만을 받게되지.

This whole damn world can fall apart
이 빌어먹을세상은 으스러질수있어;

You'll be ok follow your heart
너의 마음을 따라가도 놓을꺼야
You're in harms way I'm right behind
너가 아픔의 길을걸을때 난 너의 뒤에있어
Now say you're mine
자 이제말해, 넌 내꺼라고.
You've got the music in you
너는 너안에 음악을 가졌어

Don't let go
You've got the music in you
넌 너안에 음악을 가졌어

One dance left
한 춤이남았어.
This world is gonna pull through
이 세계는 이제 너에게 올거야

Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
넌 너가 살 이유가 있어

Can't forget
잊을수가 없어
We only get what we give
우리는 우리가 주는것만을 받게되지.

Don't let go
절대 놓지마
I feel the music in you
난 너의 음악을 느껴

Fly high
높이 날아
What's real can't die
진정한 현실은 죽지 않아

You only get what you give
넌 니가 주는것만을 받게 되지.
You're gonna get what you give
넌 니가 주는것만을 받게 될거야.
Just don't be afraid to leave
여길 떠나기를 두려워하지마
Health insurance rip off lying
보건보험은 사기꾼들이야

FDA big bankers buying
FDA은 계속 돈을 꿔주지
Fake computer crashes dining
가짜 컴터는 망가지고
Cloning while they're multiplying
인간복제는 계속해서 태어나

Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson
패션은 Beck 과 Hanson 이 주도하지

Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson
Courtney Love 와 마릴린 맨슨

You're all fakes run to your mansions
당신들은 돈을 벌기위해 쇼하는 사람들

Come round here we'll kick your asses
여기로 와봐 널 밟아줄게

캘리포니아 출신이들의 유일한 정규앨범.
빌보드 200 차트에서 41위. 플래티넘 앨범 (1,000,000 카피) UK 앨범차트 10위.
Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Soundtrack 이기도 한 "You Get What You Give"
뉴질랜드 챠트 1위, UK차트 5위, 호주차트 13위, U.S 빌보드 핫100 36위.
현재는 해체됐고 밴드의 프론트맨이었던 Gregg Alexander 
는 Ronan keating, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Enrique Iglesias와 작업하고 있으며 Santana와 Michelle Branch가 같이 불렀던 "The Game Of Love"를 작곡했던 프로듀서겸 작곡가인 Rick Nowels와도 종종 같이 작업한다. Mandy MooreSwitchfoot과도 작업했다고 한다. 

"You Get What You Give" M/V 

"You Get What You Give" Live


Flowers - New Radicals

신나는 2009. 3. 25. 21:59
Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois, Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)

It's nine to seven
Why aren't things wild?
You said you was a flower child
I can respect your soul searching
But now's no time for questioning
I'm sure you've been misled before
And once you'd trust they'd slam the door
But I'm everything I claim to be

You just need vodka and honesty?
Do you know who I am
Do you know who I am
My love is real
As real as the flowers you smoke to get high
My love is real
As real as our god who has spoken on how we can fly
My love is real
As real as flowers
You're 22 why aren't you free?
You're mom and daddy's victory
A soul that's lived a thousand lives
Don't hide behind a child's eyes
I'm sure you've been misled before
And once you'd trust they'd slam the door
But I'm everything I claimed to be
You just need vodka and honesty?
Do you know who I am
Do you know who I am
My love is real
As real as the flowers you smoke to get high
My love is real
As real as our god who has spoken on how we can fly
My love is real
As real as flowers
I love you you hate me
I took math class that ain't a fair exchange
I call you you hang up
Don't have to be a bitch and get your number changed
I'm sorry forgive me
I never meant to call you those names
But I'm lonely so lonely please


Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois, Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)

Someday We'll Know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Ninety miles outside Chicago
시카고에서 90마일 밖으로
Can't stop driving
드라이브를 멈출수없어
I don't know why
왜인지 나도몰라

So many questions
너무나 많은 질문들
I need an answer
대답이 필요해
Two years and later
2년이 지난 후에도
You're still on my mind
아직도 넌 내 마음속에

Whatever happened to Amelia Earhart?
아멜리아 이어하트에게 무슨일이 일어났던지?
Who holds the stars up in the sky?
누가 하늘에 별을 붙들어줄까?
Is true love just once in a lifetime?
진실한 사랑은 일생에 한번뿐인거야?
Did the captain of the Titanic cry?
타이타닉의 선장이 울었었던가?

Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
If love can move a mountain
사랑이 산을 옮길수있는지
Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why the sky is blue
왜 하늘이 파란지
Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why I wasn't meant for you
왜 나는 너에게 의미가 없었는지

Does anybody know the way to Atlantis?
아틀란티스로 가는길을 아는사람 없니?
Or what the wind says when she cries?
아니면 그녀가 울때 바람이 뭐라고 말하는지?
I'm speeding by the place that I met you
난 너를 만났던 그곳을 스쳐가고있어
For the ninety-seventh time tonight
오늘밤 아흔일곱번째로

Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
If love can move a mountain
사랑이 산을 옮길수있는지
Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why the sky is blue
왜 하늘이 파란지
Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why I wasn't meant for you
왜 나는 너에게 의미가 없었는지
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why Samson loved Delilah
왜 삼손이 데릴라를 사랑했는지
One day I'll go
어느날 난 갈꺼야
Dancing on the moon
달위에서 춤추러
Someday you'll know
언젠가 넌 알게되겠지
That I was the one for you
나는 너를위해서였다는걸

I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
무지개 끝으로가는 티켓을 샀지
Watched the stars crash in the sea
바다로 별들이 부서지는걸 보았지
If I could ask God just one question
(one question...question)
내가 신에게 단지 한 질문을 할수있다면
Why aren't you here with me tonight?
오늘 넌 왜 나와 있어주지 않니?

Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
If love can move a mountain
사랑이 산을 옮길수있는지
Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why the sky is blue
왜 하늘이 파란지
Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why I wasn't meant for you
왜 나는 너에게 의미가 없었는지
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Someday we'll know
언젠가 알게되겠지
Why Samson loved Delilah
왜 삼손이 데릴라를 사랑했는지
One day I'll go
어느날 난 갈꺼야
Dancing on the moon
달위에서 춤추러
Someday you'll know
언젠가 넌 알게되겠지
That I was the one for you
나는 너를위해서였다는걸

영화 'A Walk to Remember' 사운드트렉으로 Mandy Moore & Jonathan Foreman 에 의해 커버되기도 했다.
영국 싱글차트 48위 기록.

"Someday We'll Know" M/V


Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois, Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)
I saw your eyes
I had to run away
I fell too deep in love
There were no words to say
I just had to get high
One look inside
And I knew right away

I felt too much
I did not have the strength
I just ran to get high
But lover there's something about your pushing me
Pulling me
That's saying don't go away
I saw your eyes
Fell back to yesterday
An only child
Until you let me stay
I had no one on my side
Good God I think I'm fallin'
Too weak to stand
Too scared to love again
The damn has broke
My soul is spilling all over your hands
Take a look in my eyes
There's something about your pushing me
Pulling me
That's saying don't go away
Ain't never gonna be another
I see your eyes
I'll never run away
I fell too deep in love
Got just five words to say
We just gotta stay high


Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois, Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)
She wanted to be a nun
Until that fateful day we met
I beat the crucifix
In a game of Russian roulette
I burned my Beatles records
Because she hated number nine
She licked rock cocaine sucker
Laughed, said her mom's doing mine
Well, are you an illusion, or am I just getting stoned
Because I can't take it alone
I can't take it alone

I hope I didn't just give away the ending
We started limping,
Caught the handicap shuttle to town
And yelled "God's healed us"
As we ran off the bus the driver just frowned
By the way this girl was sexy and she wouldn't touch you
This may not be true
But I said it so you'd feel involved with this song
Are you an illusion
Or am I just getting stoned
Because I can't take it alone
I can't take it alone
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
We caught a fey taxi driver
I smiled the ride was free
I felt like Amsterdam
She wanted more drugs and maybe me
I told her dealer I was broke
He hired a camera man
We did a porno film for coke
I hear I'm big in Japan
Are you an illusion
Or am I just getting stoned
Because I can't take it alone
I can't take it alone
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
We went back to her kitchen
Put the coke all in a can
Tied up a T.V minister
In walked her dad
He started drinking coffee
Too much sugar on the go
He fell dead on the floor
He thought the coke was swee t'n low
well are you an illusion
Or am I just getting stoned
Because I can't take it alone
I can't take it alone
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
Boy was she upset but then she stole her dad's wallet and
I drove him to the hospital
To sell all of his donatable body parts
And this is where she dies
They brought the depressed junkie in
She shot his Cyanide up
I guess she thought it was errol flynn
I'm blamed in the confusion
The police being phoned
I don't even love you
We weren't even friends
It's just that I can't take it alone
Uh, huh
I can't take it alone
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
Aw Jesus, ah shit
I think I just gave away the ending


Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois, Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)
I was dancing
With your shadow
Slow down memories hall
I said wait
Have I been seduced and forgotten
You said baby haven't we all
Now I don't like crying
Because it only gets me wet

But I can't help failing
To remember to forget you
And I know it's gonna be a long time
Now I'm crying like a church on Monday
Praying for these feelings to go away
So do me a favor baby
Put down your new god
And love me like Sunday again
I was hiding in your bedroom
When I saw him come inside
I can't live in his shadow
Is that where I'm dancing til I die
Now I don't light candles
Because they make me see the light
That I can't help failing
To remember to forget you
And I know it's gonna be a long time
And I'm crying like a church on Monday
Praying for these feelings to go away
So do me a favor baby
Put down your new god
And love me like Sunday again


Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois, Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)
Two months of fun
Two years of pain
Add it up
And get a life of rain
Need to scream
But too ashamed
It's gonna rain it's gonna rain
You wanna go you wanna stay you wanna
You really blew my world

I wanna live and there's only one way
I don't wanna die anymore
I want to live it up
I don't want this high anymore
But I can't give it up
I won't live a lie anymore
I need to give you up
Won't you save me
Two Months of sun
A life of rain
Add it up
I'm on my own again
Need to scream
I'm so filled with rage
It's gonna rain it's gonna rain
You wanna go you wanna stay you wanna
You really screwed my world
I gotta live but you stand in the way
I'm pullin out now "UHH"
I don't wanna die anymore
I want to live it up
I don't want this high anymore
But I can't give it up
I won't live a lie anymore
I need to give you up
And "OH OH BABY" did you think that I was strong?
Well "OH OH HONEY" can't ya see that you were wrong?
"OH OH BABY" did you think that I was strong?


Jim McGorman, Gregg Alexander, Stu Johnson, Sasha, Danielle Brisebois, Brad Fernquist

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too (1998)

There's someting about you
Tears me inside out whenever you're around
There's someting about you
Speeding thru my veins until we hit the ground
And there's somting about this rush
Take it away
It made me feel so good
I get a feeling you get a feeling we got a feeling
Like we could die

And guess what Mother
We just can't get enough
We just can't get enough
We just gotta get it up
We just gotta get it up
There's someting about you
Tears me inside out whenever you're around
And there's someting about you
That makes me fly
You're a heart attack just the kind i like
And there's something about your kiss
Haunting and strange
That makes me feel so good
I get a feeling you get a feeling we got a feeling
Like we're Alive
And mother
We just can't get enough
We just can't get enough
We just gotta get it up
We just gotta get it up
This world may not have too much time
But baby i'm fine because maybe you're mine
We just can't get enough
You better give up
Come on and give up
Get ready to give up your life
Give up your life
It's you for me and me for you
You make my dreams come true
Off the wall coming from me
But i wanna see this through, my baby
You're on my mond all the time
I found a billion dimes
You rolled the dice, and lost them all
And baby i just don't mind
And incidentally mother
We just can't get enough
We just can't get enough
We just gotta get it up
We just gotta get it up
This world may not have too much time
But baby i'm fine because maybe you're mine
We just can't get enough
We just can't get enough
Ani don't want no one
If i can't have you
A world of illusion
But baby you're true
I know i decieved you
I once told you lies
If you don't believe me
Just look in my eyes
Social Security Number please
Credit card number please
Money please
Money please
Money please
Soul please
Please deposit eighty five dollars
For the next three minutes please
Or your call will be fucking disconnected immediately

Aw yeah all right feel good tonight
Aw yeah all right feel good tonight


정말 공감되는 이야기.
연예이야기도 너무 좋았었는데 그건 연재끝.

Snails - The Format

기분좋은 2009. 3. 21. 21:57
Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Dog Problems (2006)
Nico take it slow
Show me that you care
And love's not just a flare on my sleeve
Sleep well, I pray that cardboard boxes,
Set the perfect stage.
'Cause wood grain makes all man made things seem so out of date
Life is not a play, it's what we
Make of the people we love.

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
Oh why, why, why, why, oh, why
Are you quick to kiss?
She bites at blades and leaves
God damn you shrubbery
Well I’m sick of vanity plays
Should we move to the UK?
'Cause life here in the states has escaped
All the people above us.
What we make of those people we love

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
Oh why, why, why, why, why
Are you quick to kiss?
Baby, maybe I spoke too soon
I’ll touch you once you make the first move
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch

I watch her as she runs
My mother jumps the gun
She puts her in her arms
That is just like my mom
Never lets go, never lets me grow old
I wanna pay her back
But love is nothing you can tax
My family’s not rich by any means
But I feel we won the lottery, that day
The rock swallowed the girl
And I cried as cameras caught my eyes
My tears turned into butterflies
They fly away as caskets close
A new day comes you’ll wake unfolding
Smile when you feel the sunlight
You feel the sunlight
You feel the sunlight

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
So why, why, why, why, why
Are you quick to kiss?
Baby, maybe I spoke too soon
I’ll touch you once you make the first move
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch, oh
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch

미국 애리조나에서 Sam Means 와 Nate Ruess 에 의해 2001년에 결성된 인디 정글팝 밴드.
팝과 얼터너티브를 섞어놓은 음악스타일로 알려져있다.
데뷔앨범 Interventions + Lullabies (2003) 은 미국내에서 8만 카피 이상을 판매했다.
두번째 앨범인 Dog Problems (2006) 의 앨범명은 항상 그들이 함께할 시간을 빼앗아간
애완견에 대한 Nate 와 당시 그의 여자친구의 생각에서 나온것이라고 한다.
"The First Single" 과 "Wait, Wait, Wait" 은 인기있던 MTV 쇼 Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County 에 사용되었고, "The Compromise" 곡은 게임 The Sims2 에 삽입되었다.
밴드는 2008년에 해체되었고, RuessAnathalloAndrew Dost Steel Train Jack Antonoff 와 함께 Fun 이란 밴드로 활동중이다.

"Snails" Live at the Mayan Theatre in LA. As part of their live DVD


Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Dog Problems (2006)

Don't you dare speak for someone you don't know.
They'll feel it in the back of their throat.
We know I can't construct a poem
Cause words like girls get bored and run
C'est la vie, I say "I've got so many better things"
I've got nothing, you should see me,
I smoke myself to sleep.

And blame postmodern things I can't relate,
Like summer camp and coastal states.
Like alcohol and coffee beans.
Dance floors and magazines.
I think its safe to say I've only got myself to blame
But boys in swooping haircuts are bringing me down,
Taking pictures of themselves.

And so I walk the web in search of love,
But always seem to end up stuck.
I'm finding flaws in everyone.
I've reached the point where all I want,
Is to sleep around in hopes that I will catch back up.
We are parallel lines we’re running in circles,
We're never meant to cross.

I'm at a loss, you were my tangerine,
My pussycat, my trampoline.
Now alls I get are wincing cheeks,
And dog problems, I signed a lease.
Thinking my heart belonged at 93rd and park.
Instead I broke a girl’s heart,
And flew back to Phoenix to finish the year as it started.

Can you hear me?
Are you listening?
This is the sound of my heart aching.
And I hope it's entertaining,
Cause for me it’s a bitch.
Was it worth it?
When you slept with him?
Did you get it all out of your system?

I am a man
Holding it all
I couldn’t breath
Coming across
I didn’t know
I couldn’t give up

B is for believing you'd always be here for me.
E is for everything, even when we see it though.
C, c is for seeing through you, you are a fake, which brings me to
A because, because, you always run away.

I never finish phrases, I misspell.
Open arms are prison cells.
When I said, "I hate what I've become"
I lied, I hated who I was.
So when you start to wonder 'bout the pain in my throat,
Then don't you ever, no never, ever, speak for someone you don't know.

"Dog Problems" M/V

Dead End - The Format

신나는 2009. 3. 21. 21:41
Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Dog Problems (2006)
Hold on, there's a hole in my heart
Everyone can see right through me
It goes all the way to the waves
Where my love she tried to wash it away

See we break for the summers
so she can find lovers

She treats them like a bottle of wine
They make you dinner
and sing you to sleep
but by the morning find the bottle is empty

'Cause she never gives it the time
Every bottle she finds
They don't compare
to the ones she left behind
There is never a note
So she waits for me to come back home

I'm looking for a dead end song
You wish that smoke
could change its color
I love it when you talk so much
and act like nothing went wrong
I'm looking for a dead end song
while we sit and find flaws in everyone
I want to keep you by my side
Holding off tidal waves

"Mint car" is keeping us warm
She lays crossed upon the bed
We are puzzles making shapes
with our hands
I take my finger, turn it into a pen

Then I run my hand down your spine
You guess I wrote something profound
Something like:
"Our love will last 'til we die"
I say, "you're good at this game"
But what I really wrote is
"How I've yet to be saved"

I'm looking for a dead end song
You wish that smoke
could change its color
I love it when you talk so much
and act like nothing went wrong
I'm looking for a dead end song
while we sit and find flaws in everyone
I want to keep you by my side
Holding off tidal waves

"Dead End" M/V

Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Dog Problems (2006)

Ashes to ashes
Some dust on the dash
I've got my cigarettes
but I can't find the fire
that's calming me down

I was just out on a night with my friends
You are still out on a night
with your friends

and you don't seem to tired
when I'm not around

I'm under the tunnel
I'm holding my breath

I searched every pocket
that hung in the closet
'til I found some matches
in a brown leather jacket
One I swore I've never worn
but it once kept you warm

Do you remember
we made love on the floor
and you still haven't called
So I'll wait 'til they're closing the bars

I made a wish
but the match never lit

Can we take the next hour and talk about me?
Talk about me, oh we'll talk about me
Talk about me, and we'll only talk about me

Can we please take this hour and talk about me?
And my hatred for corporate magazines
You know they don't speak to me
The irony is they won't speak with me

I placed you on a window sill
Cut notches up and down the door
My surprise I woke up one morning
In bed in your place lay a note

It read, "Baby, Your love, it just ain't good enough.
I found sunlight 6 hours away.
You watered me down 'til I drifted abound
Somewhere far from your shade."

Now I shadow my former self
Once whole and now only a chest full of holes
red wax, it paints me unclear
When the big hand strikes 12, I disappear

And the angels are fake and they'll lie to your face
Anything to keep you away
You watered me down 'til I drifted abound

It's time I accept the fact that you on your back
It has buried the past
Can we please take this hour and talk about me?
Talk about me, oh we'll talk about me
Talk about me, and we'll only talk about me

Can we please take this hour and talk about me?
And my hatred for corporate magazines
You know they don't speak to me
The irony is they won't speak with me

"Matches, I'm Actual" Live (featuring Anathallo)

"Matches, I'm Actual" Live From the DVD Live at the Mayan Theater

Oceans - The Format

신나는 2009. 3. 21. 21:23
Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Dog Problems (2006)
you’ve got flaws
that you wont admit
yet you tell me its a sin
that I don’t believe in God...
you traded in your cross
for a chance to dance with stars
now nothing is sacred


I’ve given thought to leaving
f-f-f-for some time
if only I could read a map
my moat is new Mexico
so its you I wrote

I started sending you a note
on how I hope that you’re happy
I hear you’re somewhere in the sand
and how I wish I was an ocean
maybe then, id get to see you again

now all my friends
they break and they bend
they take shape and they tend
to get better with time
and I say:
"who am I to work so much less to get more
you all deserve what I am walking towards
if you want, you should move away"

this has become a weakness
the golden state wins again
maybe its time I settle
say its blue, at least that’s a plus
plus, I miss you so much

why am I scared of people in a room?
why cant they see a good time are the people close to you?
why don’t I just give in, have a drink and shake some hands?
oh ay oh
oh ay oh
why am I scarred from what she did to me?
why cant I trust anyone, no, not even me
why don’t I just give in, have a drink and shake some hands?
oh ah oh
oh ah oh

I’ve given thought to leavin’
f-f-f-for some time
maybe its time I put a profile up of who I want to be
fool everyone, I can start over clean
I can hide behind a big blue screen
or you can return to me
(return to me)

"Oceans" Live

Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Dog Problems (2006)
All the girls pose the same for pictures
All the boys got the same girls hair.
Well I am bored cause I feel much older,
Look at me as if I got a reason to stare.
But you talk so loud, that it calms me down.

You're crying, "let's make a toast!"

She says she's leavin on a Sunday,
Oh, that leaves me one more night.
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong, but I know your type.

She says she's leavin on a Sunday,
I don't care, I need to know where to turn.
I tried it once, it never caught on,
I was the only one who got burned.

I've read every word you've said,
From a poster of a cat.
Four books look across your sofa,
I thought your coffee table was more clever than that.
It gets worse once we get to her room she stops and she sings "doot do do do do do do do"
I claim "New Religion's" my song,
She doesn't get it,
It's all before she was born.

And you lock your door,
Like I've been here before.
I feel like I've seen a ghost.

She says she's leavin on a Sunday,
Oh, that leaves me one more night.
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong, but I know your type.

She says she's leavin on a Sunday,
I don't care I need to know where to turn.
I tried it once it never caught on,
I was the only one who got burned.
I was the only one who got burned.

Suddenly between sheets and eyelids, I am reminded why I don't do this.
I fall in love far too quickly,
I never want her to forget me.
When you're gone,
Will you call?
Will you write?

She says she's leavin on a Sunday,
Oh, that leaves me one more night.
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong, but I know your type.

She says she's leavin on a Sunday,
Oh, that leaves me one more night.
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong, but I know your type.

She says she's leavin on a Sunday,
I don't care I need to know where to turn.
I tried it once it never caught on,
I was the only one who got burned.
I was the only one who got burned.
I was the only one who got burned.
I was the only one who got burned.

"She Doesn't Get It" M/V

Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Interventions + Lullabies (2003)
I can't stand to think about
A heart so big it hurts like hell
Oh my God I gave my best
But for three whole years to end like this

Well do you want to fall apart
I can't stop if you cant start
Do you want to fall apart
I could if you can try to fix what I've undone
Cause I hate what I've become

You know me,
Oh you think you do you, you just dont seem to see
I've been waiting all this time to be
Something I can't define so let's
Cause a scene
Clap our hands and stomp our feet or something
Yeah something
I've just got to get myself over me

I could stand to do without
All the people I have left behind
Whats the point in going around
When it's a straight line baby, a straight line down

So lets make a list of who we need
And its not much, if anything
Lets make a list of who we need
And we'll throw it away cause we dont need anyone
No we dont need anyone

You know me,
Oh you think you do you, you just dont seem to see
I've been waiting all this time to be
Something I can't define so let's
Cause a scene
Clap our hands and stomp our feet or something
Yeah something
I've just got to get myself over me
And I hate what I've become...

You know the night life is just not for me
Cause all you really need are a few good friends
I don't want to go out and be on my own
You know they started something I can't stand

You leave for the city, well count me out
'Cause all this time is wasted on
Well, everything I've done

You know me,
Oh you think you do you, you just dont seem to see
I've been waiting all this time to be
Something I can't define so let's
Cause a scene
Clap our hands and stomp our feet or something
Yeah something
I've just got to get myself over me
You know me,
Oh you think you do you, you just dont seem to see
I've been waiting all this time to be something I can't define
So let's cause a scene
Clap our hands and stomp our feet or something
Yeah something
I've just got to get myself over me, yeh, over me, yeh, over me

"The First Single" Live at The Living Room, Providence, RI

Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Interventions + Lullabies (2003)
Today's been a career day
Futures made and fortunes lost
As I'm standing in the lobby
Waiting for the elevator to take me away
Up to 9 or 10 or maybe 11
The sound of sirens fading as she whispers in my ear
She's saying
"It's too late to wish success,
So get undressed and please just come to bed.
'Cause I'm the last real thing you've got.
You're cursed by all ambitious thoughts.
Is that all you've got?"

As for you, you spin a story like a
Spider spins a web.
See that's a metaphor,
No wait, a simile.
I'm still learning but I think I'm getting better.
Oh, if I'm not tortured how are you ever going to relate.
I've been condemned by those I love
Wishing me the worst as I try my best.
But she's the last real thing I've got.
I'm cursed by all abitious thoughts.

Is that all you've got?

Love, close your eyes.
And cover your ears.
For the end is near,
But the beginning is here.

In with the outro,
And out with the old.
In with the outro,
And out with the old.
In with the outro,
And out with the old.

I'm gonna tie all the loose ends I once pulled

In with the outro,
And out with the old.

Preparing for faliure from what we've been told

In with the outro,
And out with the old.

With nothing to offer so nothings been sold

In with the outro,
And out with the old.

Forgive me and give me one more chance to fold

In with the outro,
And out with the old.

There's nothing to lose when there's nothing to hold

In with the outro,
And out with the old.

...We'll be together in the morning

"Career Day" Live at UCI on 9/26/07

Tune Out - The Format

신나는 2009. 3. 20. 01:07
Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Interventions + Lullabies (2003)
it's your bed
so please choose a side
I’ll take the one closest to the door
and you start to speak
the words that try to justify
do far more wrong then anything you do
so grab the coat, the keys
the tension speaks but we're singing it

I'll tap the brake while you crack the window
the smell of smoke is making my lungs explode
the 51 is backed up and too slow
let’s tune out by turning on the radio

and this town is dead
we’ve been caught in these sheets way too long
let’s just see who’s up on this screen
no one i know is more depressing than me
or should i say the two of us cause after all we're all we’ve got
and tension speaks but we're singing it

I'll tap the brake while you crack the window
the smell of smoke is making my lungs explode
the 51 is backed up and too slow
let’s tune out by turning on the radio

and oh my love you’re all I need
backed behind a frequency
they played this song an hour ago
but let's tune out
lets tune out by turning on the radio

haven’t we heard this song
about a thousand times before
oh well after awhile it all sounds the same
i guess its better then silence and better than shame

I'll tap the brake while you crack the window
the smell of smoke is making my lungs explode
the 51 is backed up and too slow
let’s tune out by turning on the radio

I'll tap the brake while you crack the window
the smell of smoke is making my lungs explode
the 51 is backed up and too slow
let’s tune out by turning on the radio

and oh my love you’re all I need
backed behind a frequency
they played this song an hour ago
but lets tune out
let’s tune out
let’s tune out by turning on the radio
"Tune Out" Live at the Beaumont Club in Kansas City, MO 5/8/07

Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard

Interventions + Lullabies (2003)

Well I made my way back down to the valley
Right on past 83rd street
That's where we once belonged
But I’m gone
I swear I’m long gone

So give it up, throw your hats in the air
And change is as you ladies say
"We'll get out of here"
Something tells me that you’re too scared to go

So the stairs that you could climb
Are the ones you’ve left behind
And your eyes light up when we talk about the past
God, I miss those songs we used to sing
Talking like getting away would be the greatest thing
Well me, I got out,
And you, you kept singing to me
Like that's really going to set this free

So give it up, throw your hats in the air
And change just as they land
You’re saying, "We'll get out of here"
Something tells me that you’re too scared to go

Like a ghost
You’ve been haunting all these dusty old roads and old homes
The ones we swore we'd never go, oh oh

As for Joe
Oh I’ve seen him around
Then there’s Adam
He’s afraid to go out
I don’t blame him, I just wanted to go out to eat

Then there’s Mark
God damn, I wish him the best
We were kids back then, as if we could progress
Sometimes I, I just can’t sleep
Thinking of everything we could have been

So give it up, throw your hats in the air
And change just as they land
You’re saying, "We'll get out of here"
Something tells me that you’re too scared to go

So give it up, throw your hats in the air
And change just as they land
You’re saying, "We'll get out of here"
Something tells me that you’re too scared to go

"give it up" Live @ Chain reaction

Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Sean McCall

Interventions And Lullabies (2003)

I'm in envy of addicts
You're obsessed with stars
Dont, dont you sound
So excited youre showing me your vanity
Whisper it once, just a little bit
C'mon whisper it twice,
I cant stand to see the spotlight shine one more night
Its killing me to see you

Just tie the rope
Oh and kick the chair
Just leave me hanging there,
Gasping for air
Yeah dont mind me three feet from the ceiling

You'd rather watch me drown,
Then see your hands get wet
You took the plot from stage to screen and turned it to
Epic scene
So whisper it once, tell me again
C'mon whisper it twice,
I cant stand to see my whole life flash before my eyes
When im with you theres
No point in breathing
No point in breathing


And I think I know (whoah oh oh)
Why you never get to close
Its cause youre too scared to
When im with you theres no point in breathing

So so you run away for no apparent reason
Cause you and I are changing with the seasons
You give me an answer as to why youre leaving
The tables full but nobodys been dealing
So fold your hand, cmon and fold your hand


And I think I know (whoah oh oh)
Why you never get to close
Its cause youre too scared to
When im with you theres
No point in breathing
(When I'm with you)
No point in breathing
(when I'm with you)
No point in breathing

"Tie The Rope" M/V


Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Sean McCall

Interventions And Lullabies (2003)

i was
the smoke sank into my skin
so i came inside to be with you
and we talked all night,
about everything we could imagine
cause come the morning i'll be gone
and as our eyes start to close,
i turn to you and i let you know,
that i love you

well my dad was sick
and my mom she cared for him
her love it nursed him back to life
and me i ran,
i couldnt even look at him,
for fear i'd have to say goodbye
and as i start to leave
he grabs me by the shoulder and he tells me,

whats left to lose,
you've done enough
and if you fail well then you fail,
but not to us
cause these last three years,
i know they've been hard
but now it's time to get out of the desert and into the sun
even if it's alone

so now here i sit,
in a hotel off of sunset
my thoughts bounce off of sam's guitar
and thats the way it's been,
ever since we were kids but now,
now we've got something to prove

and i,
i can see their eyes
but tell me something,
can they see mine?

cause whats left to lose,
i've done enough
and if i fail, well then i fail, but i gave it a shot
and these last three years,
i know they've been hard
but now its time to get out of the desert and into the sun
even if it's alone

even if it's alone

i was on your porch last night,
the smoke it sank into my skin

"On Your Porch" Live


Sam Means
Nate Ruess
Mike Schey
Don Raymond
Marko Buzard
Sean McCall

Interventions And Lullabies (2003)

I’m nicotine
I’m coming clean
I fooled the crowd
when I made it sound like I was more than ready

strike up the band
deprive my sleep
cause there’s no love like apathy
the bell that tolls rings loud enough
that it should have woke us up

I’m trying to find truth
in words, in rhymes, in notes
in all the things I wish I’d wrote
cause I feel like I’ve been losing you

I read your last entry
over-privileged kids keep crying
the need to fit in gets harder
when living life from a screen

old classmates please drop all your pens
don’t write a word cause I won't reply
and I’m not bitter, no it's just I’ve passed that point in my life

I’m trying to find truth
in words, in rhymes, in notes
in all the things I wish I'd wrote
cause I feel like I’ve been losing you
each night it ends too soon
you don’t hold me like you used to
and your eyes look like they’ve seen too much 'cause
it's always some excuse
too tired, too obtuse
you look so far, removed
this time I fear I’m losing you for good

I'mm nicotine... I'm a cash machine
I'm the color green
and you should've seen the looks I just received
I need a reason to let go
an intervention, or a lullaby
something to cure me, please believe me--

I’m trying to find truth
in words, in rhymes, in notes
in all the things I wish I'd wrote
cause I feel like I’ve been losing you
each night it ends too soon
you don’t hold me like you used to
and your eyes look like they’ve seen too much but
it's always some excuse
too tired, too obtuse
you look so far removed
this time I fear I’m just not getting through

"I'm Ready, I am" Live


Tyler James Hilton (1983년생)

The Tracks Of (2004)
There's a rule in the book that says
It's got to be fun
I hate to admit but my feelings have changed
Everybody expects to hear a love song
Love can't come from something baby that never was

And I'm leavin behind
The you in my mind
Though I know it's new
It's something I'll try
And I'll always remember
The way that we cared for
Our time, our time

There's a time and a place where thoughts are discovered
A package of ten all the sheets that I need

What I call a gift can't be given to many
But loving a friend, baby, just ain't the same

Well I'm leavin behind
The you in my mind
Though I know it's new
It's something I'll try
And I'll always remember
The way that we cared for
Our time, our time, our time

Sorrow hangs like a halo, baby on my head
But regret will never fill my vacant heart, no

Well I'm leavin behind
The you in my mind
Though I know it's new
It's something I'll try
And I'll always remember
The way that we cared for

I'm leavin behind
The you in my mind
Though I know it's new
It's something I'll try
And I'll always remember
The way that we cared for
Our time, our time


Tyler James Hilton (1983년생)

The Tracks Of (2004)
I study up my hollow
Piece of wood to follow
A day that doesn't come
To the lucky

And I realize there's tomorrow
But I would rather wallow
In the rain then moods that seem
So pot-lucky

Well I'm cruising El Paseo
In my off-white coup back '65
Or I'm cruisin down my own street
And my hooptie says to me
You better hang on to your bench seat
I'm gonna take you for a ride

And I'll let you know
When it comes, when it comes
I'll let you know

But don't stay up for me
Don't wait up for me
If I'm not home

So I wait for fate to find me
A ball of string unwind me
Uncomfortable as a centerfold

And I realize your behind me
To help and humankind me
To see my songs can be retold

Well I'll be gone tomorrow
Yes I'm on the road tomorrow
So next time that I see you in school
It won't be for too long

And I'll let you know
When it comes, when it comes
I'll let you know

But don't stay up for me
Don't wait up for me
If I'm not home

And I want a leather jacket
But only if I have the time
Well, I'll comb my hair like Elvis
And grab an old Gretch 59

And you'd hardly recognize me if you
Saw me from behind

And I'll let you know
When it comes, when it comes
I'll let you know

And I'll let you know
When it comes
Just when it comes
I'll let you know

But don't stay up for me
Don't wait up for me
If I'm not home

And I'll let you know
I'll let you know
Well I'll let you know

"When It Comes" Live at 3rd and Lindsley in Nashville, TN

Tyler James Hilton (1983년생)

The Tracks Of (2004)
Oh, and tell me
Was it all because I
Brought it up for
Conversation in a bed

And I wouldn't have started
Were it not for a blue appearing
Someone's trying to please somebody else

Many men are crying
God can't help but he's trying
To find more
Men like me
A women such as

You my love
Non existence seemed like
Nothing my love
And though I said I was scared to die
The end seemed so much greater
Then either side of the equator
Yea, you saved me
God was there to pass me
You my love

It happened on a Sunday
Which tells me there was no mistake
A half parted smile
You took my hand and breath away
And I wouldn't have loved you
If you would have
Answered my requesting
Someone's glad he never pleased himself

Many men are crying
God can't help but he's trying
To find more
Men like me
A women such as

You my love
Non existence seemed like
Nothing my love
And though I said I was scared to die
The end seemed so much greater
Then either side of the equator
But you saved me
God was there to pass me
You my love

And I wouldn't have started
If you would have
Answered my requesting
Someone's glad he never pleased himself

Many men are crying
God can't help but he's trying
To find more
Men like me
A women such as

You my love
Non existence seemed like
Nothing my love
And though I said I was scared to die
The end seemed so much greater
Then either side of the equator
But you saved me
God was there to pass me
You my love

To pass me you my love
Pass me you my love


Tyler James Hilton (1983년생)

The Tracks Of (2004)
I miss the girl, and the cigarettes
And the more I try, the more that I forget
To think of you is a flash to find
To think of you I find my light to pass the time

You want me to be that better one
Time goes slowly with you only

Insomnia my friend
Insomnia my friend

I miss the girl and I lost my light
So I'm stumbling through this hollow room for peace of mind
I find that I am going over everything I've said to you, for you

Insomnia my friend
Insomnia my friend

You want me to be that better one
Time goes slowly with you only

You want me to be that better one
Time goes slowly with you only

Insomnia my friend
Insomnia my friend
Insomnia, insomnia

I miss the girl whose not impressed by
Insomnia and my cigarette light, my cigarette light